OK so here we are at Easter, race season has began and God I have an itchy right foot, I am suffering from this Spring Flu bug so instead of watching or racing I am stuck at home so I have time to do an update.
So where are we with the car then? good question I wish I knew LOL, When we took the car down to Swindon in the back of the truck it was in one piece and was dropped off at FieldCraft Fabrication for a little surgery..
As you can see the headroom is a little tight, a bit too tight as to make the car and myself MSA legal there has to be some padding between me and the roll cage, well if that was in place as it is I wouldn't be able to get in so...new roll cage required 3 inches taller...!! While that was being sorted I sent off the gearbox shields to Andy Robinson Race cars to be re-certified.
But!! we found a wee problem with the main gearbox shield...we only had half of it apparently, we only had the op bit not the bottom bit and they are re certified as one shield so......
We were missing the bit with all the holes in it
We have had to order a new shield, again thanks to ARRC for all their help in this they have gone out of their way to help us and I am really grateful, got my fingers crossed that all the parts will turn up in time for our first outing at the and of April.
So last week I went to pick the car up from FieldCraft Fabrication which is now sporting a new very shiny roll cage and...ta-da the car is now tagged.
Number 1 and 2 sons looking her over Steve and Phil
So as I type this Steve is putting her back together ready for her first fire up and hopefully testing at the fast show so that's the car up to date but then of course that's half the story no point in the car being legal if the driver isn't well......
...that has now also been put right as well, so here's looking forward to a safe, parts breaking free, fast season, see you all at the track soon.